Our Curriculum...Math
Choosing the right curriculum is so hard for me. When we first started, I went to our local homeschool book store and just looked at all the Math curriculum. I choose to use the Bob Jones University Press, Math. At that time, it was the best fit for me. It gave me directions on how to explain everything, down to exactly how to phrase the prompting questions. I needed something like that, I had really no idea how to teach. I needed help relaying the information in a way that would made since. I also remember using it in the 1st grade way back in the 90's.
It was simple for me to finish out JD's 1st grade year. Since he had started the year in public school, there was a lot of review for him. I also started JJ with the BJUP kindergarten math. He saw JD doing school and wanted to also.
When we moved here to Germany, and decided to continue homeschooling, I just continued using math from BJUP. It was expensive, I could sometimes find it used on Amazon or at our base thrift store if I looked often.
This past year, I realized it just was not working for us. We needed something that was not created mainly for a classroom. We were all bored using it. Yes, they were learning, and can do the work. But it was a drain on all of us to get the work done. I knew it wasn't something I wanted us to continue.
Switching curriculum is so scary to me. I don't want to choose something, invest the money and it not be a good fit. Living overseas here in Germany we don't have access to homeschool book stores or shows/conferences. I hate not being able to look through, and physically see a product before I buy it. Every time I change something I am afraid of making the wrong choice, or setting the boys back.
I did get the chance to look at Math U See last February. I had seen it mention a lot on Facebook and from friends. After looking through it I decided to take the plunge and switch.
The transition has been smooth and uneventful. In June we started the Gamma level. I put both my boys in the same level. I wanted JD to have some review and for JJ it would be a small push to the next level.
They are both loving it. We all enjoy the DVD lessons. The explanations are much clearer than I was giving. The also enjoy the integer blocks so help them see how the math works. The price is still a bit high, but worth the cost for us. For now it is the right fit. We will be finished the Gamma level at the end of September, and move straight into Delta.
We are all now happy with the change, and our math times go much smoother.
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