Started the blog... then Life Happened...

So I started this blog and then things happened and it got pushed to the side. The year 2020 was a crazy year for us. But I felt very prepared when the lockdowns started. As a homeschool mom, we just carried on with what were doing (minus the field trips, and traveling). We were able to push though and meet some goals early. JD really got into reading...and grandma keeps sending awesome books. I have to say I am so thankful that I homeschool. We did not have to do any transitions to online school, or deal with a school system scrabbling to get things in order. Thankfully we were able to just continue on with normal school days. JJ working on math I am also so thankful that my kids or I don't have to deal teaching what another Teacher has assigned. I don't think that online school is homeschooling, when you are doing it through the public school system. I love that I get to teach my kids things that we find interesting, and...