Trip to France...

In the beginning of November we took five days and headed over to France. We stayed at a little cabin on a lake outside Paris. We took on day and drove over to Versailles (Happy Birthday to me) and then just hung out at the cabin the second day. On the drive home we stopped at Belleau Wood to celebrate the USMC birthday (November 11). Versailles was amazing. When we got there we went to the gardens first, because the line to get inside was soooo long. It was beautiful, even though it had been winterized (all statues and large planters were covered, fountains turned off). I have seen pictures but could never imagine how big it actually was until we saw it. We rented bikes and rode around the gardens for a hour (bucket list ✔). Then we went and toured the inside. It was amazing. So thankful that we got to explore it. Hall of Mirrors I brought the camera along, and let the boys use it to take pictures. The only picture that turned out for bike r...